This is my first work for the collective blog called Hungry For Lines.
Each week we have a theme to work on, possibly a suggestion from one of the blog visitors.
With this weekly theme we will provide 6 posts.
Each of these posts will provide a creative insight of the theme.
This creative insight may be in the form of drawing, painting, design… Well however we want!
Like the illustration says, drawing is a genuine happiness maker, at least for me!
Initially the ideia was just a mad hungry artist, but when i was drawing the sketch to test my idea, a lot of ideas came up, and even in the inking stage. This made me to add lots of little details, like the posters, and icons on the chairs.
This is the sketch, next to the final drawing.
In the end i had a "drawingholic place", hehe.
Done with pencil, inked with a brush, on a A3 paper.
Done with pencil, inked with a brush, on a A3 paper.
Here are some closeups.
Take care, and until next week!