Friday, November 26, 2010



originally uploaded by boredomsketch

Poster for the play, "Ordem", written by João Santos Lopes, winner of Concurso INATEL|Teatro Novos Textos, 2009, and performed by Grupo de Teatro O Celeiro, also winner of Concurso INATEL|Teatro Novos Textos, 2009.

More details here,

Done with brush, ink and digital colors.
Type also done digitally.

Hope you enjoy it.

Friday, November 05, 2010

The Amazing Freelancer

Göoo Magazine issue #10Göoo Magazine issue #10Göoo Magazine issue #10Göoo Magazine issue #10, detail
The Amazing Freelancer, originally uploaded by boredomsketch.

Double spread illustration for the issue #10 of the great Göoo Magazine.

“We seek to create a circus built by the different acts of life, based on that happy decay which make us laugh instead of crying, dazzle and frighten us with fantastic characters and situations from the everyday circus of the imaginary.”

You can see more photos of the magazine here,

Thanks to Martín Orza for inviting me to participate :)

Take care,