Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Spontaneous Drawing

Spontaneous Drawing - TableSpontaneous Drawing - TableSpontaneous Drawing - TableSpontaneous Drawing - Table
Spontaneous Drawing, originally uploaded by boredomsketch.

Drawing made with brush pen on Moleskine Sketchbook.

Made directly on paper, no planning, just watching what as on paper and going with it. It was a nice break of the works i was doing, the drawing took something like 5 minutes ( i was not counting but it was not long).

Break from drawing with a drawing? Oh yeah! :D

Just for curiosity, here's the order i've done this drawing:
The character head, clothes, hands, skethcbook, speech balloons, table, cups and objects on it, chairs, window, and added litle touches here and there, like texture on the wall and jacket, and finally the sentences on the page, and signature and date!

In case of my caligraphy is not too clear, here's what i wrote:
Spontaneous Drawing - Close upThe character says:
I've been drawn with a brush pen, withh no sketch.
And it was fun!

Spontaneous Drawing - Close upUnder the window:
This view is from my studio

Next to the table:
I don't have a table like this, but it seemed cool for the character.

Hope you enjoy it! Take care, André


Carla Rodrigues said...

Fantástico, como é habitual :)

Bruno said...

Muito bom!
A espontaneidade dos traços faz, claramente, a diferença. Ando há algum tempo à procura dessa caneta-pincel(?) mas ainda não consegui encontrar cá em Portugal.

Recomendas alguma loja (tmb pode ser online) ?

boredomsketch said...

Bigada Carla! :D


Aqui, em Coimbra é super fácil de encontrar, há vários locais onde se vende a caneta.
Também sei em Lisboa, na papelaria perto das Belas Artes e de certo que no Porto também haverá.
Em Braga não faço ideia.

Online não sei, ainda não comprei material online.
A minha caneta é uma Pentel Waterbrush, Medium, é o tamanho normal que aqui há. E vem sem nada dentro, eu é que adicionei a tinta da china.

Também existe uma caixa de aguarelas, de pastilha da Sakura que traz uma, mas será mais caro. Foi a primeira que tive e só usava com água.
