Friday, September 29, 2006

Illustration Friday - Phobia

Illustration Friday
Originally uploaded by boredomsketch.

This week topic is phobia.
So my take was not to show a phobia but try to interpret what it is and what it does to a people with a phobia.
It's a fear that is extreme and let's the person helpless.
I edited the drawing so it's more clear that the person on the drawing is naked so it seems more fragile.
Phoibia it's also a fear that borns and grows in our head, in our mind. And it does not gives us good thing so it's a dead tree growing in his head, with no fruits or leafs to give.
Enjoy it! :)


HARDWAX said...

Fascinating way to approach the subject, deep and dark with a beautiful and haunting piece of work the result. Excellent!

Anonymous said...

Gostei bastante da expressão.
O alto contraste funciona bem neste tema da fobia.

Anonymous said...

O conceito por trás e o desenho expressivo, representam muito bem o que quiseste transmitir. Gosto da expressividade dos ramos..como se fossem os membros da figura mórbida que está ali.Apesar de teres desenhado os braços sobre o rosto, os ramos e a forma retorcida da árvore expressam o que o personagem sente! Muito bem conseguido, já sabes :) Abraço, André